[Back to top]
[Game setup]
[Turn (draw phase)]
[Turn (build phase)]
[Turn (combat phase)]
[Turn (recovery phase)]
[Winning the game]
If you've lost your instruction manual and have become amnesiac, or if you have come into possession of many Vs. cards and have no idea what to do with them, here is a quick-start guide to help you remember (or learn) how to play.

For more in-depth coverage of how to play, I suggest going to get the official comprehensive rules from Upper Deck Entertainment.

Game Setup
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[Game setup]
[Turn (draw phase)]
[Turn (build phase)]
[Turn (combat phase)]
[Turn (recovery phase)]
[Winning the game]

1.) The Gathering
Two or more players convene with decks composed of 60 or more cards. Games may be one-on-one, multi-player free-for-alls, or team games ("Two-Headed Mutant" matches, as they are called).

2.) The Shuffling
Everybody shuffles their decks. Each player's deck is then cut by another player.

3.) Initiative and Endurence
Some random or semi-random method is used to determine which player starts with the initiative. All players start the game with 50 endurence. Play then begins by drawing the first hand.

4.) The First Hand
Each player simultaneously draws four cards.

5.) Mulligan?
If a player is dissatisfied with his first hand, that player may place those cards on the bottom of his deck and draw four fresh cards. You are ready to start the first round.

The Typical Game Turn
Draw Phase

1.) Draw
- All players simultaneously draw two cards.

Build Phase

[Back to top]
[Game setup]
[Turn (draw phase)]
[Turn (build phase)]
[Turn (combat phase)]
[Turn (recovery phase)]
[Winning the game]
Beginning the Build Phase
- The player with initiative goes first. All others must wait.
- Any powers that use the keyword "Backup" can only be used during this phase.

1.) Resource Step
Player may place one card in their resource row.

2.) Recruit Step
- Each card in your resource row generates one resource point.
- Resource points are spent recruiting characters and equipment.
- Effects using the keyword "Boost" can only be used as each card is recruited.
- Payment powers that say "Pay # resource points" must be used by the end of this step.
- Unused resource points are lost at the end of this step.

3.) Formation Step
- The player may arrange his character cards in any arrangement of rows and collumns.

Ending the Build Phase
- The player ends his build phase.
- The player clockwise of him begins his build phase, and so on.
- Once all players have done this, combat phase begins.

Combat Phase
[Back to top]
[Game setup]
[Turn (draw phase)]
[Turn (build phase)]
[Turn (combat phase)]
[Turn (recovery phase)]
[Winning the game]

Beginning the Combat Phase
- Any effects or powers that specify "during combat phase" can be used now, and at any time before this phase ends.

1.) Attack Step
- The player with initiative begins his attack step first.
- Effects or powers that specify "during your attack step" may be used now, but only by that player.
- This player is free to declare attacks or not. - His attack step then ends.

Continuing Combat
- The player clockwise of him begins his attack step, declaring attacks if he is able to do so. His attack step then ends.
- Once all players have done this, combat phase ends and recovery phase begins.

Recovery Phase
[Back to top]
[Game setup]
[Turn (draw phase)]
[Turn (build phase)]
[Turn (combat phase)]
[Turn (recovery phase)]
[Winning the game]

Beginning Recovery Phase
- Any powers or effects that specify "during recovery phase" can be used at any time during this phase.
- Any power or effects that specify "at the start of recovery phase" are executed before #1. - Recovering characters that were stunned through the use of "Evasion" also happens before #1.

1.) Elimination
- Any player with 0 or less endurence is eliminated from the game.
- If all remaining players are eliminated this way, see "Endurence at 0" in the "Winning the Game" section.
- If there is only one player remaining, the game ends.

2.) Recovery
- Starting with the initiative player, each player may recover one stunned character.
- All other stunned characters are KO'd.

3.) Ready
- All exhausted cards are readied.

4.) Pass Initiative
- Initiative is passed clockwise to the next player.

5.) Turn Ends
- The turn ends. The next turn begins with draw phase.

Winning the Game
[Back to top]
[Game setup]
[Turn (draw phase)]
[Turn (build phase)]
[Turn (combat phase)]
[Turn (recovery phase)]
[Winning the game]

Endurence at 0
- All players with 0 or less endurence are eliminated. The last player not eliminated is the victor.
- If the remaining players are simultaneously eliminated this way, then the player with the highest endurence total (the least negative) is declared the winner.

Preventing the Win
Some cards declare that it is not possible for certain parties to win or lose the game. Examples:
- Mephisto (Father of Lies) says, You cannot lose the game and your opponents cannot win the game.
- Hal Jordan (Reborn) says, While the total willpower of characters you control is 20 or greater, you cannot lose the game and your opponents cannot win the game.

To eliminate these obsticles to victory, simply stun the character with this text or remove the conditions specified by the card.
- To get around Mephisto (Father of Lies), stun him.
- To get around Hal Jordan (Returned), either stun him or reduce the Willpower of that player's characters to less than 20.

Alternative Ways to Win
Some cards offer alternative ways to win the game. Fulfill those conditions and you win the game. Examples:
- Xavier's Dream allows difficult means to acquire Dream Counters. "Then, if there are three or more dream counters on Xavier’s Dream, you win the game."
- Captain Marvel (Champion of Magic) says, Pay 25 endurance -> You win the game.